How to bulk optimize your images ?

Our WordPress Plugin makes image SEO optimization easy! You can optimize your images ‘on-upload’, but you also have the opportunity to do a bulk optimization. A bulk optimization will allow you to optimize all the media available in your library in 5 clicks.

You will fin below explanations to set-up and use the bulk optimization properly.

Settings-up the bulk optimization

Step 1: go to the ‘BULK OPTIMIZATION’ tab

bulk optimization settings

Step 2: Define the global settings

Global settings will allow you to define 2 things:

image SEO global settings
  • The language in which the results will be generated
    • You have to select in which language you want the results to be generated. You can choose among more than 20 languages.
  • Which images you want to optimize
    • You can select all the images available in your media library or only the featured images.
      • Selecting ‘all the images available‘ will have a better impact on your SEO but will consume more credits, because more images will be optimized.
      • Selecting ‘only featured images’ will consume less credits, but will have a lower impact on your image SEO optimization strategy.

IMPORTANT: It will be possible to refine your selection in the next step: ie you will have the possibility to optimize only missing the images without alternative texts.

Step 3: define the filename generator settings

Tick the ‘I want to optimize my image names for SEO’.

Then, prepare a backup: on rare occasion the rename of image files can brake your images.

Image name settings

To ensure the safety of the process, we advise you to try to manually rename a file in the library, then check if the image your renamed is still available on the related page.

manually rewrite filenames in wordpress

If so, you can start the bulk !

The bulk optimization process

The bulk optimization process, is a background process. This means that even if you close the window, il will keep running until the end of the process.

bulk process image SEO

In order not to overload your server, we optimize one image every 30 secondes.

Click on ‘Click here to refresh data’ to see the bulk progress.

Bulk process Image SEO Plugin

Click on ‘view results’ to randomly display 5 results generated.

previews if the results generated by Image SEO optimizer

And that’s it !

image seo sucessful bulk

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